2025 International Applicants外國學生申請入學(Fall)第一梯次
Consent to Collect, Process and Use Personal Information

I. Declaration to Collect, Process and Use Personal Information

CCU only collects personal information that is necessary for, or directly related to, one or more of CCU’s functions or activities. Personal information that CCU collects from staff, students, prospective students, past students, benefactors, research participants, and external contractors including but not limited (depending on the services provided and accessed):

A. Identification of the individual,

B. Identification of finances,

C. Personal description,

D. Details of other family members,

E. Dwelling and facilities,

F. School record,

G. Qualifications and skills,

H. Examinee record, Health record.

CCU generally collects information at enrolment, when you access CCU’s IT systems, or when participate in special activities or projects. Some special projects or activities may have their own collection notice which is in addition to the information contain in this general collection statement.

Some of the main reasons CCU collects your information includes:

to correspond with you;

for enrolment purposes;

for administrative purposes;

for the purposes of undertaking university-commissioned research;

for the facilitation of student elections;

to meet legal obligations;

to inform you about your course or other university courses/events;

to confirm your entitlement to commonwealth assistance;

to the facilitation of education related activities;

to promote education, services or products;

to update your personal information on the CCU Student Register.

Generally, you may elect to not provide CCU with your personal information, however, much of the personal information collected by CCU is necessary to provide you with educational services or access to government support. Without this information, CCU may be restricted in its ability to provide these services or support. In some cases, enrolment at CCU will not be possible without certain information provided.

CCU will only collect personal information by lawful and fair means. CCU will generally collect personal information from you directly, unless:

you consent to the collection of the information from someone else; or CCU is required or authorised by, or under, a Taiwan’s law, or a court / tribunal order, to collect the information from someone else; or it is unreasonable or impracticable to get the information from you directly.

CCU stores personal information in both electronic and hard copy forms, and must comply with the requirements of the Taiwan’s Personal Data Protection Act.

If CCU holds personal information about you that was collected for a particular purpose (the primary purpose), CCU will not use or disclose this information for another purpose (the secondary purpose), unless you consented to the use or disclosure of the information.

You have a right of access to, and alteration of personal information concerning yourself held by CCU, in accordance with Taiwan’s Personal Data Protection Act. Also individual can request the termination of use and the deletion of personal information. When exercising the abovementioned rights, individual‘s identity must be verified before an application can be submitted. CCU may require an individual to pay a fee in relation to their request to access their personal information.

For any questions, please contact Ms. Liao at phone number +886-2-28610511 ext.11306 or e-mail
如有任何問題請洽 (02) 2861-0511 ext.11306 廖郁欣 或 e-mail