公告主旨 公告本校即日所有課程採線上全遠距教學進行至109學年度第二學期止。
內        文


 In response to the fast development of the COVID-19 pandemic and increases in confirmed cases, the School has started remote learning for all classes starting Monday, May 17. All classes are taught remotely till the end of 2020-2021 Academic Year. Additional measures will be adopted and announced according to the School’s policy. Teachers and students please pay attention to the latest announcement on the Website for COVID19 Disease Control.


Teacher’s and students to stay away from the campus. All scheduled field trips, conference, seminars, or talks, etc, need to be cancelled.


Students and teachers are required to follow Guidelines for Cloud-based  Learning of Chinese Culture University regarding Novel Coronavirus Outbreak (Attachment 1.)


All teachers need to follow regulations 3, 4, and 5 of the above Guidelines to ensure students’ right to education.


While uploading new or updated course materials should be uploaded onto school’s e-learning platform, please abide by the Copyright Act.


Teachers set up tests or assignment for students to complete online.


Teachers maintain interaction with students to answer questions and help them study at home.

(四)為確保學生學習成效,進行雲端學習時應注意學生線上出席狀況、觀課與討論情形、 評量方式等各面向情形,並保留相關紀錄,以利未來稽考(建議以本校課業輔導系統為平台,以保留相關紀錄避免紛爭)。

Teachers check students’ participation in remote learning, monitor activities and discussions, and assess performance. It is recommended that teachers keep records of remote instruction on the e-learning platform.


Teachers recorded attendance and participation of every session for class evaluation.


For questions related to Microsoft Teams, please consult Teacher’s Guide for Microsoft Teams or Simple Instructions for Microsoft Teams (Attachment 2, 3) or instructions provided by the service provider.


Please avoid going out or visiting high risk areas during the week, and take the infection control measures.


Please also follow guidelines released by the Central Epidemic Command Center and Ministry of Education.


To ensure students’ right to education, final exams should be held according to the following guidelines:



For students graduating at the current academic year

Final exams should be held before 5/29. Teachers could choose different approaches: online presentations, projects, assignments with adjusted assessment methods. Rubrics for assessment should be posted on School’s e-learning system or Teams.



For the others

Final exams should be held before 6/25. Teachers could choose different approaches: online presentations, projects, assignments with adjusted assessment methods. Rubrics for assessment should be posted on School’s e-learning system or Teams.



For classes conducted in lab classrooms

A certain number of classes are conducted in lab classrooms; therefore, online teaching seems impossible. For these classes, teachers could adopt alternative ways to administer final exams or schedule online exams.


Deadline for teachers to submit students’ grades remains unchanged:?


 For graduating students: Grades must be submitted by 13:00 p.m.,

 Friday, June 4, 2021.


For the other students (including students studying Architecture): Grades must be submitted by 13:00 p.m., Thursday, July 1, 2021.

活動起迄 --
公告分類 其他
公告單位 教務處-綜合組 王禎綺
點閱率 30678
附        件 附件1.中國文化大學因應「新型冠狀病毒肺炎」防疫措施實施雲端學習作業要點.pdf附件2.教師遠距教學使用Teams遇到問題流程表.pdf超簡易Teams使用入門.pdf
檔案開啟說明:本校配合政府推動ODF文件標準政策,附件檔案目前僅提供ODF(ODT,ODS,ODP,ODG)與PDF格式,請選擇對應的Microsoft Office程式打開(參考說明)
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