公告主旨 【團體競賽】2023英文拼字比賽 Spelling Bee Contest 報名延長至5/15截止,限10組參賽,額滿為止喔!
內        文

Spelling Bee



2023 英文拼字比賽 English Spelling Bee 


1.   限正式4年學制學生
2.   母語為英語的外籍生不得報名


四、字彙程度:中級英文(程度約為本校大一英語分級B level),參考用單字表



七、獎金: 第一名NT$4,000



1.     參賽者12:00~12:15需抵達應試教室並完成報到手續(攜帶學生證)。

2.     將進行三輪比賽,由主持人唸出單字後,參賽者以口頭拼出主持人所唸出的單字

※  第一輪(最多10組參賽團體, 每組派出3人)

A.  若參賽者無法在20秒內口頭拼出單字,將淘汰該組團體

B.  參賽者可要求主持人重複念單字且以例句提示(只限一個單字)

C.  本輪取積分最高的7組團體晉級


※  第二輪(7組參賽團體)

A.  主持人唸出5個單字,參賽者需於20秒內口頭拼出

B.  本輪比賽採取積分制,答對一題累計一分

C.  參賽者可要求主持人重複念單字且以例句提示(只限一個單字)

D.  本輪取積分最高的4組參賽團體進入決賽

※  最終輪(4組參賽團體)

A.  主持人唸出5個單字,每位參賽者需在20秒內口頭拼出

B.  本輪比賽採取積分制,答對一題累計一分

C.  參賽者可要求主持人重複念單字且以例句提示(限兩個單字)

D.  依積分多寡產生冠、亞、季軍





Spelling Bee


Date: Tuesday, May 16th, 2023, 12:20-14:00                       Duration: 1 hour and 40 minutes

Eligibility: All CCU freshmen can join, except native English speakers 

Purpose: To encourage students to improve their vocabulary, spelling and listening skills in context of a fun, oral-spelling competition, with the chance of winning cash prizes!

Vocabulary used: Mostly appropriate for B level students.

Limits: Maximum ten groups can register (3-4 people per group) 

Duties: One host; a judge; a timekeeper; scorekeeper

Prizes: 1st place NT$4000      2nd place NT$3000      3rd place NT$2000


Format: In all three rounds, all words to be spelled will be given orally by the hosts and must be spelled orally by a member of the group. 


• First round: Maximum10 groups of three people. 

(i) Each group chooses one person to spell a word. If the student cannot spell the word asked within 20 seconds, the group will be eliminated. *

(ii) Each group may ask for one word to be repeated and used in a sentence.

(iii) Once all groups have been asked to spell a word, the process is repeated until seven groups remain.

* Rule (i) may be amended, depending on the number of contestants. For example: If 10 or fewer groups enter the competition, each group may be given a second chance, whereby a student may misspell one word but will be eliminated upon the second misspelled word.


 Second round: Seven groups. 

(i) Each group member is asked to spell five words, with a time limit of 20 seconds per word asked.

(ii) Students amass points for each word spelled correctly.

(iii) Each group may ask for one word to be repeated and used in a sentence

(iv) The four highest scores proceed to the final round.


 Final round: Four groups.

(i) Each group is asked to spell five words, with a time limit of 20 seconds per word asked.

(ii) Groups get a point for each word spelled correctly.

(iii) Each group may ask for two words to be repeated and used in a sentence.

(iv) The winner is the group with the most points.






活動起迄 --
公告分類 活動及競賽
公告單位 國際暨外語學院-語文中心 林思瑀
點閱率 622
附        件 -- 
活動資訊 --
相關連結 https://language.pccu.edu.tw/p/406-1117-114598,r430.php?Lang=zh-tw 
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