1.本校114學年度外國學生秋季班申請入學招生簡章詳如附件。 Please refer to the attachment for the information about admission. 2.請自行下載參閱並務必留意相關招生訊息與日期。 Please download the Application Handbook for more detail information. 3.報名網址:https://futurestudent.pccu.edu.tw/article/ISA_Application-YoINnC 4.聯絡窗口:+886-2-28610511轉 11306, email:cuafc@dep.pccu.edu.tw Contact person: Admissions Section email: cuafc@dep.pccu.edu.tw 2025/01/10 簡章修正通知
申請程序報名步驟2內系所另需繳交之資料內刪除國際企業學系博士班與英國語文系系所需繳交之資料,新增戲劇學系系所需繳交之資料。 In the application procedure, under Step 2 regarding additional documents required by Departments/Programs, remove the required documents for the Ph.D. program in the Department of International Business Administration and Department of English Language and Literature. Add the additional documents required by the Department of Theatre Arts.
公告戲劇學系需另行繳交資料如下The required documents for the Department of Theatre Arts are as follows: 戲劇學系 請提交:Please submit the required documents: 1.讀書計畫 Study plan 2.劇場相關經驗 Documents to show relevant experiences in theatres 3.影音作品 Audio-visual works 請上傳3分鐘以內的影片,內容須包含:Please submit a 3-minute video include following items: 3-1學習歷程(高中至今)之自我介紹,並說明報考動機。 Introduction of learning experiences (from high school up to now) and motivations to continue studying. 3-2.參與戲劇或各類藝術相關活動的經驗,心得分享。 Experiences and opinions of participating in theatres or various art-related activities.