公告主旨 Waiting list of International Student Admission for spring Semester 2025
內        文

1. Attached please find the information about International Student Admission Result for 2025 spring semester.

2. Applicants on the waiting list for admission shall wait until a vacancy becomes available. Once there is a vacancy, the CCU Admission Office will notify the individual on the waiting list for formal notification of acceptance.

3. In order to complete your registration, students are required to submit your educational documents to meet the admission requirements in the beginning of the semester. These documents are the original copy of your diploma or degree and transcript which must be officially verified with an authentication stamp by a Taiwan overseas representative office or by an organization established, assigned or entrusted by the Executive Yuan in Taiwan.

活動起迄 --
公告分類 外國學生申請入學
公告單位 教務處-招生組 廖郁欣
點閱率 211
附        件 The waitlist for 2025 spring.pdf
檔案開啟說明:本校配合政府推動ODF文件標準政策,附件檔案目前僅提供ODF(ODT,ODS,ODP,ODG)與PDF格式,請選擇對應的Microsoft Office程式打開(參考說明)
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